Becoming a Confirmed Achiever



There’s a common myth that you need long stretches of arduous workhours to becoming the All-star in your organization. But more and more, studies are finding that it’s not how hard you work, or how difficult that work is, that makes you the high achiever, great success or All-star. It’s how you focus your time and efforts.

Sure; you have to put in the time to get the job done — and make sure it’s the quality that elicits “oohs” and “ahhs” that become viral within your organization (and sometimes in other places). As they say in poker, “that’s just the table stakes”. What sets you apart is HOW you spend that time.

At Confirmed, we’ve been focused for years on helping you achieve that focus, make sure it’s in the right place and have the tools, processes, and people support to make that focus worth so much.

Today, we’re happy to extend those efforts to this new “Confirmed Achiever” blog. By using it appropriately, you too will become the confirmed achiever — even the confirmed All-star that you want to be. It’s just another of the tools we put into your kit.

Over the years, our team members have charted the course for success for B2B brands you know; have helped organizations devise and implement the processes that help their people achieve results, and unlocked the skills for our clients so they can become successful in almost any role and in almost any industry. Our team members have done this for the who’s who of companies that include Apple, Microsoft, & Verizon as well as smaller companies and the movers and the shakers who became the up & comers and the leaders of industry

If you have landed on this page, you probably want this type of success – and we can help you achiever it. Here are some ideas:

  1. Consider your goals; then make sure your skills match the needs to achieve those goals
  2. Understand your passion – because when you follow your passion, you’ll never work a day in your life. You’ll get things done that other people consider work; but you’ll be having fun while you do it.
  3. Examine your processes. Do they propel you on your journey in the right direction? If not, what are the holes, the potential processes and the ineffective parts of those processes.
  4. Are you supported by and surrounded by people who support your mission or cause friction that will hinder you? If the latter, how do you turn them into the former? How do you empower them to do it easily just as you want to do for yourself?

Use this Confirmed Achiever blog and rely on our other offerings to bring these ideas to your life to produce the focus you need.

  • This blog could help you formulate some broad strategies or take deep dives into some popular methods. Read it often — and get on our mailing lists. We’re proud of our high rate of retention from readers.
  • Confirmed’s advisory can be used in several ways, from
    • Identifying weaknesses in your current processes, tools, and the skillsets of both your organization and individual people
    • Ideas that help you close the gap between what is and what should be
    • Determining the best ways to move forward — whether having your internal people or external people (us or other consultants) doing the implmentation
    • Helping you manage external contractors — because it’s not only something that is time consuming and disruptive; but sometimes having somebody else do the heavy lifting gets more results because we can bring expertise that might be lacking internally for you or simply allowing you to spend your valuable time in key activities that only you can do.
  • Over the years, Confirmed has developed SaaS-based and knowledge-based tools that reclaim time, refocus it more effectively, and close gaps in processes. They’re meant to be used in many circumstances. In some cases, instead of our tools, we can help you reconfigure your current tools, customize them better to the way you work or make your current systems work better together.
    • Many clients use a combination to get the best of both worlds: customization with the lowered expense of pre-built modules or software.
  • Unlock your skills through professional development of your team.

The Confirmed ALL*STAR Series

You may have noticed on this website The Confirmed ALL*STAR Series. It’s a unique way to increase your team’s ability to better use your tech tools to create success. Instead of giving you the usual rote way of following step-by-step procedures to learn technology, they give you the context to help you focus on the parts that help you most; then the process to make it happen.

With Confirmed ALL*STAR programs, you can choose the topic and the level that you personally need. Essentials is so you have an understanding and are adept at the most important concepts. Confirmed Achiever combines workshops with 1:1 follow up to help you implement the concepts. Or you can choose to be a Confirmed ALL*STAR in the topic — among the best in your organization and the person to whom the others turn. This adds a series of mentored sessions to help you dig deep.

With this approach, you can have your whole team move forward with a topic and invest in the level of need based on each person’s role. For instance, if you have a team of 12 people, two can become ALL*STARS, four Confirmed Achievers, and the remainder of the team learn the essentials so the entire team functions better as a unit. Plus, they’re fun and rewarding.

If you haven’t worked with our workshops or consultancy in the past, starting with the current Confirmed ALL*STAR program is a great way to start. If you have, it’s a great way to move forward cost-effectively. We hope to see you there.

And of course, always feel free to come back here to learn from our team and guest bloggers.

Want to contribute your special expertise?

If you have something to share that helps our readers become Confirmed Achievers, we welcome you as a guest columnist.

Our guest columnists should have an expertise in the topic area and a communications style that is easy to follow; fun to read.

In some cases, guest columnists help our SaaS tool users by being highlighted within the Daily Snapshots of our Confirmed App too.

Thanks for reading; thanks for writing; and above all — thanks for your continued confidence in Confirmed and the Confirmed team.

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